DIY Blackhead Removal

DIY Blackhead Removal

Not everyone likes to put harmful creams, lotions, and potions on their skin to take care of blackheads. Instead, a growing number of people are selecting to look for natural skin care products and DIY blackhead removal tips to help take care of the problem. Fortunately, there are tonnes of options – not only to take care of those pesky blackheads but any number of skin imperfections at the same time. Are you looking for the answer? It might be any one of these options below.


Blackheads aren’t pimples you need to pinch and squeeze. Instead, they are skinless pimples exposed to the air, making it easy to be able to clean them out and remove them with minimal hassle. Unfortunately, many harmful products on the market can exacerbate the problem rather than fix it.

You can do your skin a favour and get rid of the blackheads by exfoliating. You also don’t have to use harmful synthetic products. Instead, you can go down the organic skin care path with homemade exfoliants such as salt, baking soda, sugar, water, and lemon juice forming a gritty exfoliate to clean out those pores naturally.

Honey Mask

While a honey mask is a sticky and messy way in which to remove blackheads, it’s a practical and organic skin care technique that will have you throwing your harsh chemical products away and lessen chance of opting cosmetic procedure. All you need to do is dip your fingers into sticky organic honey, then pat it on your blackhead-ridden skin.


Why Wear a Latex Waist Trainer?

Latex Waist Trainer

Because there are so many waist trainers on the market from which to choose, it can become overwhelming to know which will work best for you. Below, we cover the benefits of a latex waist trainer – a preferred option for women from around the world.


When you first put on a waist trainer, it’s not uncommon to feel slight discomfort. After all, you’ve gone from not wearing one to all of a sudden wearing one, and the transition period can be tough to accustom to. However, if you choose a latex waist trainer, becoming used to wearing it takes barely any time at all.

They are soft and supple, they mold to your body’s shape, and you can wear them against your bare skin opposed to just over your clothing. As a result, you are more likely to feel snug and well tucked in opposed to uncomfortable.

Achieve Your Body Goals

Many people choose to purchase waist trainers for many reasons, but the most common reasons tend to be a slimmer look, a flatter tummy, and a change in body shape. As latex waist trainers tend to mold to your body with far more efficacy than that of another type of material, you can benefit from a more straightforward slimming process.


Vitamin D and Light

Vitamin D and Light

There are rumblings in the health field about a nationwide deficiency of Vitamin D. Physicians and other health professionals on a botanical medicine list-serve that I am on have been finding low levels in their patients. This issue is of some concern, as low Vitamin D levels are related to a number of health conditions. Optimum levels of Vitamin D in the body (in the form of cholecalciferol) are clearly associated with protection against a number of common diseases, including diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, depression, MS, and cancers of the breast, prostate, and colon.¹


Sensible Sunning


Summer is coming, and so is the annual ritual of spending time outdoors by the beach or the lake. And of course most people follow the modern ritual of going into the sun covered by a plastic goo called . . . sunscreen! How ever did we get to a notion that the sun, that life-giving element, is our constant enemy? While it is true that even the best thing can at times be detrimental (think King Midas), the negative aspect of sunning has almost obliterated its positive side in the public mind today.

Sunlight is required for the internal production of vitamin D. Surprising amounts of research are now showing that a deficiency of that vitamin is associated with a large number of disease states, including osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, and many different kinds of cancers including those of the breast, colon, ovary and kidney. Studies have also found that lack of vitamin D is implicated in the tendency of older people to fall.


3 Different Kinds of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

According to the National Eating Disorders Association, “eating disorders are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life-threatening consequences for both females and males.” The trouble with getting treatment for sufferers is that they go to a lot of trouble to hide or disguise their symptoms and frequently deny that they have any problem – because that is what they believe.

Here are 3 different types of eating disorders.

  • Bulimia Nervosa – This is characterised by episodes of binge eating in between using various ways and means to control eating or losing weight. The latter may consist of deliberately vomiting, using laxatives, fasting or doing excessive exercise. This becomes a compulsive cycle that makes the person will feel out of control and this can lead to feelings of shame, self-disgust and guilt. They will also have low self-esteem. While a person with BN does not necessarily lose weight, their weight can vary as they gain some and then lose some, depending on what stage the cycle is at and how long it lasts for. While this sounds like BN is not serious, it can indeed cause many serious health problems from chronic sore throat and indigestion through to ulcers, osteoporosis, infertility and risk of heart failure.


Obesity – How Big an Issue?


When I hit menopause, the weight started creeping up. Whereas I was used to being able to lose 3-5 pounds if I didn‘t eat for a few days (as when I had a cold or such), my metabolism seemed to have changed quite drastically. Now if I didn‘t eat for a few days I would put weight on! I found that to be an affront to common sense. It certainly doesn‘t agree with the calories in-calories out concept! What it did seem to do was to establish a new bodyweight for me, whether I liked it or not.

According to Professor Peter Saunders(1), the calorie theory is only partly correct. If things were as simple as that, our weight would fluctuate a lot more than it does. The theory says that if you left out 300 calories at breakfast you would lose ten pounds a year. But that doesn‘t always happen. The body has mechanisms to control both weight gain and weight loss, either by varying the appetite or by adjusting its metabolic rate. It is generally assumed that the obese eat more than those of normal weight. Research has shown that this is not always true; in some cases fat people eat less than those of normal weight(3). In addition, says Prof Saunders, not only does heredity matter but also our entire life experience from the moment we were conceived, and even what our mother ate while pregnant!


Sickness or Health? Not an easy choice

Sickness or Health

You probably wonder what on earth I mean by the headline. Who would choose to be sick? Doesn’t everyone want to be healthy? Isn’t that an obvious choice? Well, on first take, yes, but if we look at how society sets things up, we might do a double take.

Let’s start with childhood. You have to go to school, no matter what. If you ever have a day where you just really don’t feel like going, that is not a good enough reason, and you have to go. Except if you’re sick. Ah, then everything changes. You get to stay home in bed, or wherever, and watch TV all day. Your mom or dad might even stay home with you, and bring you books or games or special yummy foods. Your sickness is rewarded, you get extra attention and cuddles, and you don’t have to do what you don’t want to do that day.

When you grow up, it’s not so easy. But you can have a nice job, good pay, and good benefits. Among your benefits are sick days. You get sick, seek medical advice, you get to stay home, and you get paid anyway. What a deal! Who wouldn’t want to get sick once in a while? Fortunately, if you did that every day you’d get bored, so work is then a welcome entertainment. But you’re going to make sure you get to take every single sick day you’re entitled to. Otherwise, you’re losing money, no? So here is another very common way in which sickness is rewarded.


The Fine Line: (W)holism and Science


There are so many interesting things going on in the world today, especially in the fields dedicated to understanding what human beings are like and how to keep them well. In trying to understand ourselves, we have currently two different models: on the one hand, the scientific reductionist model, and on the other hand, complexity theory.

The reductionist model, which is also generally thought of as the “scientific” approach, reduces everything to its constituent parts, and then studies those parts. It studies the trees instead of the forest, the cells instead of the organs, the DNA instead of the whole being. Molecular biology is a perfect example.


What’s Wrong with Aging?


Our culture is obsessed with youth. Only youth is desirable. Once you get “older,” you’re “out.” Everywhere I look, there are these books and articles: “Beating back the clock” – “Ageless body ” – “Stay young forever” – “Banish wrinkles!” – and so on and so forth. Scientists say we could possibly live to be 200, 300 years old. Cosmetic surgery is now so common that you seem out of it if you don’t have it done.

Give me a break! Have you ever tried beating back a clock? With what? And how can the body be “ageless” if it so clearly shows the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood? I don’t want to stay young forever; I’d be completely mortified if I remain, say, twenty years old, and all my friends turn 40, 50, 60 — would it mean I also didn’t learn anything?


Why Dieting Often Doesn’t Work

Why Dieting Often Doesn’t Work

Many people have tried dieting over and over again with the same results – nothing. Or if they lose a little weight they put it on again as soon as they go off the diet. This is a natural thing to happen, because once you go off that diet you start eating unhealthy choices again; foods that are high in fat, sugar and calories.

In some cases, dieting doesn’t work because you really don’t keep to it. You may think that you are on a diet, but in actual fact you sneak that snack in order to reward yourself for keeping to a diet you don’t especially like. You may even make that extra snack part of the diet and think it won’t matter – but it does. A diet has a controlled number of calories and if you exceed this then you cannot expect to lose weight to any great extent.


Why Do Yoga?


Yoga is a popular form of exercise, yet there is much more to it than exercising the body with those strange poses. The three elements of yoga are practicing specific postures, meditation and breathing exercises, therefore it increases the health of your mind, body and spirit. Practicing yoga helps a great deal to control stress and anxiety and so it helps to mitigate those diseases that are caused by these conditions – and there are many.

Yoga is said to have a beneficial effect on: –


How To Train For the City To Surf


Sydney’s fun run popularly known as the city to surf is run from the centre of Sydney to the east of Bondi Beach, a distance of 14km. Some go for fun, while others have the more serious goal of winning, or at least of testing themselves to see if they come in ahead of last year’s time. With around 80,000 participants the fun run is exceeding its popularity each year. Still others go just as a way to give to charity, which is the main aim of the run, after all.

How you train for the city to surf will depend on your goals. If you want to win, your training schedule will necessarily be harder than if you just want to complete the course without embarrassment.  Every run you do, whether training or competing, should begin with a warm up and end with a cool down.


6 Things to Know about Behavioural Addiction

Most people think of addiction as something to do with drugs or alcohol that needs the person to go into drug addiction recovery. While this is true, there are other kinds of addictions that require a different type of treatment. Behavioural addictions fall into this category. People can be addicted to things such as gambling, porn, eating, exercise, working and even shopping.

All these are called behavioural addictions because the addict is not ingesting a harmful substance, but it’s the behaviour in pursuing the thing and doing it that causes them and other people problems.  Such people get hooked on doing the thing that gives them a high and they can’t seem to stop even when they know they can’t afford to continue (in the case of gambling or shopping) or even when the thing interferes with their relationships or health ( porn or over-eating).


How to Get Fit Without Really Trying

health benefits of being fit

Much is said about the health benefits of being fit. When you are truly fit your body can work the way it was meant to and you will enjoy your life a whole lot more. You won’t have to puff and gasp every time you go up stairs, you will have the endurance to cope with all the busyness life throws at you and your body will be able to throw off flu and colds more easily. The latter on its own is well worth the exercise you need to do to get fit.

However, it is not easy to find time to get fit. If you are a mother of toddlers who also works outside of the home you will never have a minute to call your own. Don’t despair; you too can get fit – if you are not already. Simply lifting that toddler up and down will give you arm muscles that you didn’t know you could have without intensive workouts in the gym.


The Trouble with Addiction

Trouble with Addiction

Many people think that drugs such as ice or cannabis are the only substances that cause addiction, yet experts claim that alcohol is the most common substance that people get addicted to. If you listen to respected rehabs no matter what it is, successful drug rehabilitation is usually the only way to break an addiction and have any chance at a normal life, free of being tied to taking a substance that will soon cause ruin and eventually end in death.

The trouble with most addictions is that people don’t want to believe that they have no control over the amount they take or frequency of use. They deceive themselves and others into believing that they could stop any time they want to; it is just that they do not choose to stop – yet. In fact, if they really tried to stop, they would soon find out that it was impossible to do so.


The 3 Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures


There are many different types of cosmetic surgery and these days more people than ever are exploring what options are available to help them look their best.

Having cosmetic surgery is usually considered ‘optional’ but in some cases it is a necessity. For instance, if your nose has been badly broken due to an injury, cosmetic surgery will restore its shape back to what it once was, or near to it.

But what are the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures done today?

Here are the top 3.

  • Breast surgery. This is most often breast augmentation, or increasing the size of the breasts. This will be accomplished by using inserts to make the breasts appear larger. However, it can also be breast reduction for those women to whom nature has been over-generous. Heavy or large breasts can cause tiredness, neck and shoulder aches and a general feeling of not being well. That’s not all; in some cases the breasts are the right size, but not the right shape. Cosmetic surgery can lift or tuck sagging breasts to make you more attractive, especially on the beach.


Where to Go on Your Next Budget Holiday

Next Budget Holiday

People tend to flock to Bali because they are convinced it will give them more bang for their buck than other places, but in fact there are other holiday destinations that offer even more affordable accommodation and food, while still others are at least comparable. So if you have been to Bali and would like to expand your horizons, here is a list of budget holiday choices you are sure to enjoy.

  • The only trouble with Cambodia is that you might feel guilty for paying so little for your accommodation, food and even drinks. If you want luxury without the usual price tag, you can find it in this delightful country that is now considered quite safe for travel, even if it once was not. And entry into Angkor Wat Archaeological Park, a UNESCO world heritage listed site is only around $22 per day. It is double that for 3 days, worth it due to the size of the place.


What IPL is Used For


Conventional lasers only use one wavelength, while IPL uses several different ones, depending on the type of machine and the kind of filters used. IPL or Intense Pulsed Light is a type of light treatment similar to a laser, used to treat the skin for a number of different problems. It differs from the laser in that filters are used in conjunction with the light to ensure it reaches a specific target in the skin. In addition, the pulsing effect – on and off in rapid succession – means that less damage is caused to the skin.

IPL is used to treat several different skin conditions: –


10 Tips to Get the Best Out of Your Botox Injections

Botox Injections

Many women get upset when wrinkles appear and make them look older than they are. They turn to cosmetic surgery options in order to stay looking younger for as long as possible.  If you are considering having Botox injections to smooth out those wrinkles it is a good idea to know exactly how to get the best results. Here are 10 tips to help you.

  • Consult with a registered and experienced cosmetic surgeon and only be treated by someone whose ideas are in line with yours. If you don’t like that ‘frozen’ look and your doctor does it will mean that your dream of a smoother yet natural face may remain just that.
  • Always tell the doctor what medications you are on, including vitamin supplements and herbal remedies, even if they are over the counter medications. Some of these have a blood thinning effect and the doctor may require you to go off them some days before treatment to minimise bruising.


Transform Your Body With Pilates

Transform Your Body With Pilates

Pilates exercises are well-known for their ability to help a participant recover from injury, which is what they were originally designed to do by Joseph Pilates. He based the exercises on certain movements from ballet and other regimes, adapting them to strengthen the core or abdominal muscles.

There is more to it than that, of course as the exercises also encompass breathing techniques to be done in conjunction with the movements. To get it right, much concentration and focus is needed, which in turn helps the person to sharpen their mental capabilities. Thus, Pilates is a holistic form of exercise that helps every part of the person, not just their body… Pilates is usually performed indoors, if you are looking for a challenging, outdoor equivalent of Pilates, then Boot Camp may be for you.

That said, the exercises themselves do a great deal to transform your body, since they were designed especially for repair.  By strengthening the core or abdominal muscles a person’s balance and many other aspects needed for life are strengthened. It also strengthens the thighs, glutes and back, but not the arms.
