How Family Of New Zealand Citizens Can Obtain A Visa To Live And Work In Australia

How Family Of New Zealand Citizens Can Obtain A Visa To Live And Work In Australia

Given the close geographical, cultural, and political ties that exist between Australia and New Zealand it is of little surprise that the Australian immigration regulations and criteria that apply to the family of New Zealand citizens differ somewhat from those for citizens of other countries. This is a positive although it can sometimes lead to confusion, especially when some New Zealanders are not aware that the process for their family applying for an Australian visa is different.

The routes towards living, working, and studying in Australia as they relate to visas provide numerous ways family members of New Zealand citizens can make Australia their home. One such visa is the New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa, which has the subclass number, 461. This is also sometimes referred to as the New Zealand Partner Visa as it is used primarily by the partner or spouse of a New Zealander who lives in Australia. For more specific and in-depth information relating to your specific circumstances, we would recommend speaking directly to expert migration agents.

Requirements For the New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa

There are several requirements and criteria that must apply before someone is eligible to apply for this visa.

Relationship Status: The applicant for this visa must either be

  • The spouse of a New Zealand citizen
  • The de facto partner of a New Zealand citizen
  • A child of a New Zealand citizen


7 Medical Conditions That Can Be Diagnosed By Providing Free Health Checks For Your Removalists Staff

7 Medical Conditions That Can Be Diagnosed By Providing Free Health Checks For Your Removalists Staff

Every removalists and office relocations employer should be aware that the health and well-being of their staff play a key role in the success of that business.

A workforce that is healthy, both physically and mentally, and which is aware that their employer genuinely cares about their well-being, is going to feel a greater obligation to do their best and work their hardest.

On the other hand, if employees know that their employer sees health and safety as an inconvenience and a cost, rather than a means of investing in their staff and their business, they are going to feel unappreciated and demotivated about their work, which has implications for their mental health.

Assuming you are a removalists employer that falls into the former category, rather than the latter, presumably, you are happy to read about additional ways you can ensure the well-being of your staff is catered for. This includes a desire that all of your employees remain physically fit and mentally healthy.


How Cleaning Services Remove the Stress of a Big Move

Cleaning service with professional equipment during work

 Moving can cost quite a lot of money, so you may not think you should be spending even more on organizing a professional cleaner when you can take care of the cleaning yourself. However, for what you spend on commercial cleaning services versus what you get out of it, it can be worth its weight in gold.

Learn how cleaning services remove the stress of a big move. You may reconsider your desire to clean yourself when you learn about the following benefits.

Reduce Feelings of Overwhelm

Moving from a family home to retirement housing can feel completely overwhelmed. Sometimes, you must carry a lifetime’s worth of possessions, and there are only so many hours in the day.

A cleaning company can reduce those feelings of overwhelm much easier than you might have thought. When you know you only have to focus on removing your personal possessions rather than cleaning, you can feel less daunted by the prospect of moving when the big day rolls around.

More Time Up Your Sleeve

Moving house often has to be organized on a timeline. Your retirement housing may be ready to move into on a particular day, and you may have to be out of your own home by a specific day, as well.

Then there’s moving services, with your hired workers needing to be packed, loaded, and ready to go by a particular time. A cleaning service gives you more time up your sleeve. You can focus on packing while they can take care of the necessary elbow grease.

Increased Chance of Meeting Sale/Rental Requirements

When you rent a property, leaving it spotless increases your chances of getting your deposit back. When you sell a property, the new owners might have an expectation that it will be clean and tidy when they move on.

You may stand a better chance of meeting sale or rental requirements when you have someone else taking care of the cleaning to a high standard.

More Positivity When Moving Into a New Home

Moving out of a home you have lived in for several years and into retirement housing that’s foreign to you can be daunting. It may not yet seem like home, and it may still feel ‘lived in’ by the person before you.

A professional cleaning service can change that. If they can clean the property before you arrive, you can unpack your possessions with a clean slate. It can feel like yours from day one, which may help with the sometimes challenging transition.

Shift Your Focus

It’s easy to focus on what you have left to do rather than what you’ve achieved. This can put you in a bad mood and make you feel stressed. It’s not a great start to your new adventure in a new home. Organizing a professional cleaner can help you shift your focus.

You can reminisce while you pack, with little thought spared for how much vacuuming and scrubbing you must do once all your possessions are packed.

Most people would do anything to remove the stress of a big move. You may be surprised how much a cleaning company can assist with this. When the time comes to leave your family home, don’t hesitate to bring in experts to help. You can start your new home life on the right foot.

5 Important Facts About Dental Implants

5 Important Facts About Dental Implants

Whenever you are considering a treatment or a procedure for a medical condition, including those related to your oral health, finding out as much as you possibly can about them has many advantages. This is certainly in the case of dental implants because most people assume that all they need to know about them is that they will replace their missing tooth or teeth.

Whilst that is certainly the most important reason why you would opt for dental implants, you should never base your decision solely on that fact alone. Instead you should try discovering as much as you can about them, so that before, during and after the procedure you are fully aware of and prepared for all eventualities.

We say that, not to alarm you, nor to imply that dental implants have any inherent danger, but nevertheless the more you know about a medical procedure the greater your peace of mind and the less chance there is of you being surprised when a specific facet of dental impacts comes to your attention.

To aid you along the path to knowing as much about dental implants as possible, we thought it would be useful if we pointed out some of the lesser known facts about dental implants from a dentist. They are lesser known, not because anyone has tried to hides these facts, but merely because they are not mentioned as often when dental implants are being discussed.


Tips For Choosing The Best Family Lawyer

There are many reasons why you may need family lawyers such as adoptions, divorce, visitation for children, to name but three examples. Given that these kinds of matters often require protracted negotiations, have all kinds of legal implications, and in many cases, end up being decided in court, ensuring that you have the best family lawyers to look after your interests, is vital.

Some people take the attitude that all lawyers must be good because they have been to university, have had to pass exams to become lawyers, and many have letters after their names, so it does not matter who they choose Now, whether that is the process used for picking family lawyers, or any other professional, it is the wrong one.

Instead, you want to follow a few simple steps so that not only are you able to employ an experienced family law firm like Davies Family Lawyers but a family lawyer who is proficient in terms of representing you for legal matters, but also that they are someone whom you feel comfortable discussing important and personal aspects of your life, and are prepared for them to disagree with you, or push back on how you believe you should proceed.

Whilst you might be paying a lawyer for their services, they are not there to simply say ‘Yes.’ No matter how passionately you might feel about something, if they believe a different approach is needed, or if what you want is not legally possible, then you have to be able to accept it.


Are You Eating Functional Foods?

Are You Eating Functional Foods?

Functional foods are certain foods which are nutrient dense but also serve another purpose or ‘function’ in our bodies. These foods provide health and wellness benefits by reducing risk of certain diseases or health issues. Some basic examples of functional foods are fruits and vegetables which provide our bodies with nutrition but also contain other active components to provide our bodies with further benefits (more…)

What You Can Do If Your Ex-Partner Will Not Cooperate During Your Divorce

What You Can Do If Your Ex-Partner Will Not Cooperate During Your Divorce

In most cases, when family lawyers are representing a client who wishes to get a divorce, that client’s ex-partner will normally be employing their own lawyer to represent them. However, there are scenarios where one spouse wishes the divorce to proceed but the other spouse does not,  or the other spouse refuses to cooperate with the divorce proceedings, for whatever reason.

This can prove stressful and challenging to the partner who wants the divorce to happen, and often makes them feel like they are trapped in a marriage they want to get out of, even if they have already separated from their ex-partner. One point we must make here is that ultimately, if you meet all the necessary and legal criteria for a divorce, then your ex-partner cannot stop the divorce from being granted.

Part of the reason for this is that unlike many other countries, a divorce in Australia does not cast blame upon one spouse or the other for the marriage failing. For example in the USA, adultery can be grounds for divorce, and in the UK, one of the grounds for divorce can be unreasonable behaviour by the other spouse.

In both of these examples, there is blame apportioned to one of the spouses and, as is their right, the person who is being accused of adultery or unreasonable behaviour can defend themselves against those accusations, and thus lawfully prolong the divorce process.


What Effects Can Workplace Bullying Have on Health?

What Effects Can Workplace Bullying Have on Health

People who maintain strong mental health and a positive state of mind are much more likely to have an enjoyable, fulfilling life. However, there are numerous things that can impact mental health, including workplace bullying and discrimination.

Despite numerous laws designed to prevent these from happening, they remain common. And they affect thousands of Australian’s every year. In fact, recent studies estimate that as much as 11% of the Australian workforce suffer some form of bullying or harassment, but only a few ever reach out to employment lawyers for help.

In order to deal with the mental health issues this can cause, it’s important to understand them. In the following article, we’ve explored some of the main effects workplace bullying could have on your mental and physical wellbeing.

Mental Health Effects

There are countless mental illnesses that can be exacerbated or triggered by workplace bullying. Understanding them and why they occur is key to preventing and dealing with them. Some of the most common mental health effects of harassment include:

Post traumatic stress disorder – Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a severe illness that can impact the fundamentals of day-to-day life. If you love your work and enjoy what you do, PTSD could hit you hard if your workplace suddenly becomes somewhere where you’re targetted and taken down regularly.


What SEO Services Do I Need To Help My Life Coaching Business Rank On Search Engines

What SEO Services Do I Need To Help My Life Coaching Business Rank On Search Engines

If you run a life coaching business and are unhappy with your website’s rankings, you likely need to initiate search engine optimisation, or SEO, as it is known. When creating this kind of campaign, a professional SEO agency will advise that several key SEO elements must be included to make it effective.

Whilst the tasks below are not every task in any one specific SEO campaign, if they include all of these, then it is the basis for ensuring that a website will rank higher and that the life coach who owns that website will be more likely to see many additional prospects get in touch to enquire about their training and consulting.

Researching Keywords

When trying to rank a website, you are doing so for individual keywords or phrases, but the optimisations to help rank for them can only be done if you know which keywords you wish to target. Keyword research is the foundation for most SEO, and we can discover the most effective keywords by using keyword research tools, and by analysing other life coaching websites which currently rank highly on Google.

Backlink Building

One of the services your SEO agency will have near the top of their list is an effective link building strategy. Linking to your life coaching websites from other websites helps Google to identify what you are trying to rank for. If these sites are authority websites within your niche, then some of their power is passed along to your website, giving it yet another boost with respect to where it ranks.


Know Your Rights If Your De Facto Relationship Ends

Know Your Rights If Your De Facto Relationship Ends

If you were to ask a group of people if they knew what their rights were if their marriage as to end in divorce, some of them might be able to explain them to you, however, ask the same question about a de facto relationship then undoubtedly almost all of them would have to call their family lawyer to get the answer.

The simple truth is that even those who are actually in a de facto relationship have very little awareness of what their rights are if the relationship should turn sour, so for them, and for anyone else who is unsure about what each individual’s rights are when a de facto ends, here are some guidelines.

First, it is important to know that in Australian family law, de facto relationships and the legal framework that applies to them is very similar to that which applies to marriages. This means that for the most part, anyone in a de facto relationship has more or less the same rights as someone in a marriage, albeit there are one or two slight variations.

What is important to understand is that to be considered to be in a de facto relationship, and therefore accrue the rights that apply, you must first be able to show that a de facto relationship actually existed. There is some confusion where people assume that simply because they live in the same house as someone and the relationship is sexual, that de facto rights apply. That is not the always the case.

Under the terms of the 1975 Family Law Act, for it to be considered a de facto relationship and have the rights that follow from that, you and your partner must be living together on what is termed a ‘genuine domestic basis’. What this means is that a couple needs to be in a relationship which to all intents and purposes would appear to a marriage.

This would mean that the living arrangements which the couple have might see them share the rent or mortgage and have joint names on any lease or proof of ownership, and they will also be sharing the household bills.


Reasons Why Life Coaching Businesses Need Digital Marketing

Reasons Why Life Coaching Businesses Need Digital Marketing

In this age of the internet, there are a few business owners or entrepreneurs who have not yet concluded that for their businesses to grow, they need to market their products and services online. More specifically, if you own a life coaching business, advice from digital marketing experts is that there are several reasons why digital marketing can be a huge benefit.

These digital marketing experts are not just referring to one or two advantages that will come the way of a life coaching business marketing itself online, but several. These include the following:

  • Greater Awareness Of Your Brand Or Persona
  • More Accurate Identification And Targeting Of Prospects
  • Increased Conversion From Prospect To Client
  • Higher Number Of Sales
  • Increased Average Sales Values
  • A Massive Increase In Your ROI
  • Outperform And Outsell Your Competition
  • Long-Term Viability And Profitability Of Your Business
  • The Ability To Expand Your Business
  • Become An Industry Name/Celebrity/Guru (or any other word you prefer for someone who is seen as an A-lister in the life coaching industry)

Which life coach would not want to have those benefits for their business? The beauty is most of the work does not need to be done by yourself. Obviously, you will have a role and will have an important contribution to make, but the wisest move is to have a digital marketing agency create and implement your online marketing plan. Just as you are an expert in helping people to have more fulfilling lives, digital marketers are experts in helping businesses to flourish online.

Some might question why marketing online is so important, and we are not saying that you should completely abandon any offline promotions and marketing you currently have, especially if they are effective and provide you with a positive return on your marketing spend.


Caring for Your Dental Implants

Caring for Your Dental Implants

When you get dental implants from your dentists, you may not think you need to stay on top of your oral care routine as much as you used to. After all, the teeth aren’t real, so surely, they don’t require as much attention? The opposite is true. Your dental implants may not be your natural teeth, but they do need proper attention to keep them in the best condition possible. These tips below may help.

After the Procedure

The immediate aftercare of your dental implants is as crucial as the ongoing care. In the first 24 hours after your procedure, refrain from moving around excessively and keep your head elevated. You may also like to keep an icepack on your face for short periods and eat only soft foods.

Avoid rinsing your mouth, and take any medications prescribed by your doctor for pain and infection control. If you notice bleeding, bite down on the sponges that your dentist would have placed in your mouth to assist.

Use a Different Toothbrush

You may be used to using an ordinary toothbrush with your regular teeth, but that might have to change. Some hard-bristled brushes can scratch your dental implants, which means swapping to a nylon toothbrush can be the best thing you can do for your teeth.

A nylon brush tends to be gentler on your teeth than other models and is less likely to scratch your implants.


7 Criteria Which Determine If You Are A Candidate For Lasik Eye Surgery

7 Criteria Which Determine If You Are A Candidate For Lasik Eye Surgery

There is no doubt that the popularity of laser eye treatments such as Lasik eye surgery is increasing as more and more people wish to end the need to wear glasses and contact lenses to correct their vision. It has proved to be a success for millions around the world, and the fact that the recovery time and any discomfort is minimal makes it an ideal choice for everyone.

We say everyone, but we should caveat that by saying everyone who is suitable for Lasik eye surgery. Unfortunately, not every individual will be a suitable candidate, given the number of criteria that have to be met before a surgeon will consider doing the procedure. The experts at have let us know some of the criteria – here they are and what they mean.

Healthy Eyes

The first criteria, and probably the most obvious is that your eyes must be in a healthy condition. Incidentally, the fact that your vision needs to be corrected in the first place does not make them unhealthy. What does, are conditions such as dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis eye injuries, and eye infections, all of which make Lasik eye surgery questionable, and even if it is possible, the recovery time may be longer.

Your General Health

The main concern with regards to your overall health are any conditions or medications that you might be taking that could interfere with or compromise the healing process taking place in your cornea, following Lasik eye treatment. Conditions that can weaken the immune systems include type 1 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, although there are many others.


What to Consider When Engraving

What to Consider When Engraving

Visiting your favourite Perth Jeweller is always a special occasion. Often, you walk out with a beautiful little gift box containing something you’ve wanted for a long time, which always offers the feel-good factor. If, however, your visit this time is to buy a beautiful piece then engrave it for someone else, then prepare for it to mean even more than it usually does. Here are a few things to consider before you get the engraving process underway.

Jewellery Type

It makes sense for the first consideration to relate to what you are buying. Is it a ring for engagement, marriage, or friendship? Is it a bangle or bracelet for a boyfriend or girlfriend? Or, is it a watch to celebrate a momentous occasion, such as buying a new house or getting a promotion at work? Engraving is suitable for all types of events, but you first need to buy a piece of jewellery that will suit.


Choosing the Best Eye Doctor for Your Cataract Surgery

Best Eye Doctor for Your Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is the process by which a cloudy, aged lens is removed from the affected eye by means of an incision. It’s a commonplace surgery that millions of people go through each year.

Still, complications occasionally arise, and even without any trouble the idea of having a lens removed often causes patients understandable discomfort. Therefore, it’s important for you to select a surgeon you can trust to perform your cataract removal surgery. The following list of suggestions should help you choose the right surgeon for your needs.

Consider the Types of Eye Doctors

It’s important to understand the difference between optometrists and ophthalmologists, because depending on your class of eye doctor they may or may not be able to perform your cataract surgery.

Optometrists are qualified to perform eye exams and vision tests, but they are not able to perform surgery. Ophthalmologists have medical degrees and they are certified to perform surgery.

Both classes of eye doctor may serve as your personal eye care physician, but if you are seeing an optometrist, you will have to be referred to an opthamologist for your cataract surgery. If you are seeing an opthamologist, he or she will be able to perform the surgery directly.

Be sure to make note of which type of eye doctor you’re selecting when you make your plans for cataract surgery.


How to Go Plastic-Free

plastic free sustainability

In a world where sustainability matters, many people have started looking at the option of going plastic-free. The affordability and convenience of plastic ensure that it’s a hard decision to make, but it can be a worthwhile one.

Whether you want to do your part for the environment or feel good about your contribution to society as a whole, then read on. Here are a few helpful tips to put you on the path to going plastic-free for good.

Use Reusable Shopping Bags

Going plastic-free and being more aware of sustainability is a big step to take, but you can start small and still make a lot of progress. One such way to do that is by using reusable shopping bags, rather than single-use ones.

Fortunately, here in Australia, we’re all encouraged to do that anyway. ACT banned plastic bags in 2011, and more states, such as South Australia, Tasmania, and the Northern Territory, followed suit. You can purchase reusable grocery bags from most supermarkets.


How to Care for Dental Implants

Care for Dental Implants

If you are one of three million Australians who is missing teeth, then you may think there isn’t a lot you can do about it. After all, you still have plenty for chewing, and don’t you only get dentures when you’re missing most of them? While you may not need traditional dentures, your dentist is here to let you know that there is much value in dental implants and over-dentures.

Dental implants are single teeth with roots installed in your jaw bone. They look, feel, and function like regular teeth, and no one needs to know they aren’t yours. If you’re considering getting dental implants, then you’ll be pleased to hear the maintenance process is as effortless as for your real teeth. Read on to find out how to care for implants.

For a Single Implant

If you have one implant, then you will be relieved that the process for cleaning it is not all that much different from your other teeth. Use a soft-bristle brush and clean the tooth (and your other teeth) at least twice per day.


Sustainable Textiles: Why Choose Linen Bed sheets

linen bedding

If you are beginning to see the value in sustainability, then you will no doubt be delving into every aspect of your life, wondering what you could be doing, using, and purchasing, differently. We can all make a significant impact on the health of the world, but it does take a lot of forethought, research, and planning.

While you’re busy cutting plastic out of your life and growing your own vegetables, have you thought about your bed sheets? Believe it or not, linen bed sheets are a sustainable textile that offers a whole host of benefits.

People often make the mistake of purchasing whatever bed sheets are on sale and are of the size they need. They may even try and match them to their bedroom’s décor with no thought for the materials.

By doing that, you can set yourself up for disaster. Some sheets don’t feature breathable materials, nor are they beneficial for your body or skin. Many also feature a lot of synthetic materials that may not be all that comfortable or can suffer durability issues. Then, there’s the problem with inferior quality materials slipping around, making you itch, and just not sitting right on your bed! There’s a lot to be said for natural materials instead.


5 Benefits of Invisalign Braces

Invisalign Braces

Many people with imperfect teeth may feel it’s something they have to be satisfied with for life and decide they might need braces. Fortunately, a visit to your local dentist can see you armed with the knowledge of many different straightening options available. One of those options is Invisalign.

Invisalign is a custom-fit applicator that straightens your teeth over time using the same principles as traditional braces. However, they have many advantages over their metal counterparts. Read on to find out more about Invisalign and why it could be right for you.


One of the more obvious Invisalign benefits, especially when you compare it to traditional braces, is its invisibility. Even while you’re slowly straightening your teeth, no one will be any the wiser. Invisalign is a clear tray that doesn’t detract from your face. There are also no wires or brackets. Therefore, if you don’t have any dramatic straightening to complete, Invisalign may be right for you.


Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Clothing: What You Need to Know

eco friendly clothing

As the years go by, most things get more expensive. If you’re lucky, your income rises with them. However, if there’s one thing that often bucks the trend, it’s clothing. As the years’ pass, it seems to get more affordable. How does that work? A major reason for this is sustainability. We’re no longer using as many sustainable and eco-friendly materials as we used to, and overseas production is bringing those costs down.

If you are ready to turn your back on polyester and other cheap materials that require a considerable amount of energy and resources to produce, then read on. Here are some great eco-friendly alternatives to consider.


Linen is not only an excellent option for bedding but for your clothing too. It’s made from a sustainable product, flax, and requires very little energy to manufacture. In fact, flax needs fewer pesticides, fertiliser, and water than cotton – making it a recyclable and compostable material with many benefits.
