Important Advice For Parents Of Toddlers Who Do Not Speak

One of the reasons why parents of a toddler will contact a speech therapy centre for advice is when they fear their child has language issues as they are not speaking. For parents of toddlers who show no inclination to speak it can be worrisome, especially when other toddlers the child mixes with, seem quite happy to chat away, even if not everything they say makes perfect sense.

The first advice we would give is that if your toddler has reached 18 months and is not saying any words, then have them assessed by a speech pathologist. What a speech and language assessment will do is indicate if a toddler requires speech therapy.

If your toddler’s assessment indicates speech therapy for them, please do not panic. Children all develop at different rates and each element of their development will differ from other children of a similar age. Simply needing speech therapy does not mean your child is in any way “backward” or has learning deficiencies that will hinder their long term education.


Why Social Media And Family Court Cases Do Not Mix Well

Why Social Media And Family Court Cases Do Not Mix Well

Over recent years and certainly, the last two years, as the world has dealt with coronavirus, social media has been playing an ever-increasing role in our lives. From simply chatting to friends, through to an advertising channel that has made millions for some businesses, social media shows no sign of going away. Whilst it has many positive attributes, social media does not always lead to good outcomes in some circumstances, and within that category, we include its misuse by someone going through a case related to family law. Whether that be divorce, a separation, or an issue relating to their children, the use of social media treads a fine line between positive and being detrimental to one’s case.

By its very nature, social media sets several traps for users, and given the high emotions that often occur during family law cases, social media can seem like a welcome outlet to vent one’s frustrations and even anger. However, whilst it might seem therapeutic to call your ex-partner out for what you perceive to be their failings and how unfairly they treated you during your marriage, the family court will almost certainly not see it that way. The risk goes further than posting unacceptable statements about your ex-partner yourself, as it also extends to what your friends and family do on social media too. It might not be you, but by liking or sharing such posts you are guilty by default as in effect you are republishing those insults and abuse.

Bear in mind it is not difficult for anyone to find what you have been publishing and sharing on social media. That includes your ex-partner and their legal team. In a case relating to child visitation, your family lawyers painting you as the perfect mother or father is completely undermined if minutes later the other party’s lawyer can show a litany of insults, abuse and threats made directly or liked and shared by you.


Tips For Choosing The Best Family Lawyer

There are many reasons why you may need family lawyers such as adoptions, divorce, visitation for children, to name but three examples. Given that these kinds of matters often require protracted negotiations, have all kinds of legal implications, and in many cases, end up being decided in court, ensuring that you have the best family lawyers to look after your interests, is vital.

Some people take the attitude that all lawyers must be good because they have been to university, have had to pass exams to become lawyers, and many have letters after their names, so it does not matter who they choose Now, whether that is the process used for picking family lawyers, or any other professional, it is the wrong one.

Instead, you want to follow a few simple steps so that not only are you able to employ an experienced family law firm like Davies Family Lawyers but a family lawyer who is proficient in terms of representing you for legal matters, but also that they are someone whom you feel comfortable discussing important and personal aspects of your life, and are prepared for them to disagree with you, or push back on how you believe you should proceed.

Whilst you might be paying a lawyer for their services, they are not there to simply say ‘Yes.’ No matter how passionately you might feel about something, if they believe a different approach is needed, or if what you want is not legally possible, then you have to be able to accept it.


What You Can Do If Your Ex-Partner Will Not Cooperate During Your Divorce

What You Can Do If Your Ex-Partner Will Not Cooperate During Your Divorce

In most cases, when family lawyers are representing a client who wishes to get a divorce, that client’s ex-partner will normally be employing their own lawyer to represent them. However, there are scenarios where one spouse wishes the divorce to proceed but the other spouse does not,  or the other spouse refuses to cooperate with the divorce proceedings, for whatever reason.

This can prove stressful and challenging to the partner who wants the divorce to happen, and often makes them feel like they are trapped in a marriage they want to get out of, even if they have already separated from their ex-partner. One point we must make here is that ultimately, if you meet all the necessary and legal criteria for a divorce, then your ex-partner cannot stop the divorce from being granted.

Part of the reason for this is that unlike many other countries, a divorce in Australia does not cast blame upon one spouse or the other for the marriage failing. For example in the USA, adultery can be grounds for divorce, and in the UK, one of the grounds for divorce can be unreasonable behaviour by the other spouse.

In both of these examples, there is blame apportioned to one of the spouses and, as is their right, the person who is being accused of adultery or unreasonable behaviour can defend themselves against those accusations, and thus lawfully prolong the divorce process.


What Effects Can Workplace Bullying Have on Health?

What Effects Can Workplace Bullying Have on Health

People who maintain strong mental health and a positive state of mind are much more likely to have an enjoyable, fulfilling life. However, there are numerous things that can impact mental health, including workplace bullying and discrimination.

Despite numerous laws designed to prevent these from happening, they remain common. And they affect thousands of Australian’s every year. In fact, recent studies estimate that as much as 11% of the Australian workforce suffer some form of bullying or harassment, but only a few ever reach out to employment lawyers for help.

In order to deal with the mental health issues this can cause, it’s important to understand them. In the following article, we’ve explored some of the main effects workplace bullying could have on your mental and physical wellbeing.

Mental Health Effects

There are countless mental illnesses that can be exacerbated or triggered by workplace bullying. Understanding them and why they occur is key to preventing and dealing with them. Some of the most common mental health effects of harassment include:

Post traumatic stress disorder – Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a severe illness that can impact the fundamentals of day-to-day life. If you love your work and enjoy what you do, PTSD could hit you hard if your workplace suddenly becomes somewhere where you’re targetted and taken down regularly.


Know Your Rights If Your De Facto Relationship Ends

Know Your Rights If Your De Facto Relationship Ends

If you were to ask a group of people if they knew what their rights were if their marriage as to end in divorce, some of them might be able to explain them to you, however, ask the same question about a de facto relationship then undoubtedly almost all of them would have to call their family lawyer to get the answer.

The simple truth is that even those who are actually in a de facto relationship have very little awareness of what their rights are if the relationship should turn sour, so for them, and for anyone else who is unsure about what each individual’s rights are when a de facto ends, here are some guidelines.

First, it is important to know that in Australian family law, de facto relationships and the legal framework that applies to them is very similar to that which applies to marriages. This means that for the most part, anyone in a de facto relationship has more or less the same rights as someone in a marriage, albeit there are one or two slight variations.

What is important to understand is that to be considered to be in a de facto relationship, and therefore accrue the rights that apply, you must first be able to show that a de facto relationship actually existed. There is some confusion where people assume that simply because they live in the same house as someone and the relationship is sexual, that de facto rights apply. That is not the always the case.

Under the terms of the 1975 Family Law Act, for it to be considered a de facto relationship and have the rights that follow from that, you and your partner must be living together on what is termed a ‘genuine domestic basis’. What this means is that a couple needs to be in a relationship which to all intents and purposes would appear to a marriage.

This would mean that the living arrangements which the couple have might see them share the rent or mortgage and have joint names on any lease or proof of ownership, and they will also be sharing the household bills.


Is Online Dating For Desperate Singles

Online Dating For Desperate Singles

It is a myth that online dating is just for desperate singles and people who are not serious or very good-looking.

Online dating is for everyone, who wants a friend or love of a person to lean on and share their lives with whom they can date and live happily in love.

Since online dating has no barriers like age, gender, community, etc. it can have a scope for anyone. The myth, that online dating is for desperate singles is not completely wrong, but could be reframed as ‘online dating is for desperate singles as well, because there are quite a number of singles, who seek desperately to date online’. Lets put it like this that there is one segment of people, who would desperately like to date online.


Dating: Things To Do To Get Yourself Noticed


When you think of a title for a profile, put it in such a way that it aptly describes you and at the same time makes you look more interesting. It should be a small sentence rather, charming nonetheless. Something like “Hot Rod Needin Some Smeltin” is just a bit too, well, you know what. Instead, you can put a better title like “Dinner is on me” or perhaps “Fresh flowers Everyday”.

These perfectly worded profile titles make you come across as a rather romantic guy which is exactly what chics dig these days. You can even turn towards your friends for help in this matter by asking them to point out the most catching feature in your personality and work around it to come up with a catchy heading.


Dealing With Your Marriage After Infidelity

marriage after infidelity
How would you react if you come to know that your spouse has been cheating on you? Your other half has been dishonest with you and everyone around you says the best option would be to ditch him/her. Betrayal is one of the biggest blows a relationship can get. A lot of relationships are unable to recover from the rage, bitterness and hurt after infidelity by their partner. They find it difficult to overcome these feelings. Getting the relationship back on the track really seems impossible. How can you save a marriage after your spouse betrays you?
It’s not so simple to deal with your partner after a betrayal. It’s hard to regain the faith you had in your spouse. As a beginning, what you can do is give yourself quality time to deal with all the pessimistic feelings that has incarcerated your mind knowing your partner’s cheating. Tell him/her that you need passable time to come out of this situation. Keep yourself very busy. Loneliness can bring back those nerve-racking thoughts.
