7 Ways Parents Can Use Movies And Videos To Boost Their Child’s Speech Development

As the capabilities and the use of the internet have developed, the views and consumption of online videos have increased at an exponential rate, but how many of you reading this are aware that as well as education and entertainment, online video can be used for speech pathology?

Actually, videos of all kinds are used in speech pathology, including movies on digital platforms or DVDs.


10 Landscape Design Trends That Are In Vogue In The Gardens Of New South Wales

In many aspects of life in New South Wales, some trends come and go, which will be in such niches as cooking, fashion, home furnishings, and the subject of this article, landscape design. It is true that if you were to look at landscaping, designed and created ten years ago, it would include many features that were in vogue then but which today might not get any consideration whatsoever.

The reasons landscaping trends alter can result from influences worldwide, whereby a celebrity’s garden is highlighted on TV, and suddenly, many landscape designers get requests for those same landscaping features the celebrity had in their garden.

Alternatively, there can be local factors where residents can view other landscaped gardens in towns and cities across New South Wales and see something new they like. Before you know it, many homeowners in that area are asking for those trending landscape design features.

So, as you read this, you might wonder what is currently trending in the world of landscaped gardens in New South Wales. Keep reading as lonepinelandscapes.com.au highlights ten landscape design trends in vogue in the ‘Premier’ state’s parks.


7 Communication Skills A Child Should Display Before They Speak Their First Word

7 Communication Skills A Child Should Display Before They Speak Their First Word

Speech pathology experts and speech therapists will all tell you that, whilst a parent might regard their child’s first word as the first milestone in their journey to communicating, it is not. Before a child utters the word ‘dadda’ or ‘mamma’ or whatever that first word might be, they will have demonstrated numerous other language and communication behaviours.

Bear in mind that a child will normally say its first word from around the time it is 12 months old, so that means there is a whole year beforehand for it to begin developing language and communication skills. What might seem to a parent like an adorable action by their 6-month-old baby, such as them ‘cooing’, will also be a sign that they are developing as expected regarding communicating.

Now, when we say communicating, we are not talking about a child who is less than 12 months old having a conversation or even saying a word, but instead, that child displaying actions, behaviours, and signs that, in linguistic terms, it is learning and developing. Outlined below are 7 such communication skills that speech pathology experts tell us that parents should expect to see from their children.

Attention/Joint Attention: Attention occurs when a child can be seen focussing on something such as a new toy, or they recognise a familiar voice, sound or song and remain attentive to it for some time. Double attention is when the child can show attention to both an object or activity and another person such as watching another child play with a toy or an adult singing.


5 Dog Coat Types And How They Should Be Groomed

5 Dog Coat Types And How They Should Be Groomed

How you should approach dog grooming for your beloved pet, unfortunately, does necessarily depend on how you want them to look, or even their personality, but the type of coat they have. This invariably will be determined by the breed of dog they are. Whilst some general dog grooming principles apply to all dogs, many of their grooming needs will depend on the dog’s coat type.

For this reason, it is important to know what type of coat your dog has, and it is a fact that many dog owners are unsure how they should categorise it. If you are in any doubt too, the best person to ask is a dog groomer who will know exactly what type of coat your dog has based on the dog’s breed and by seeing it when they examine your dog. From this, they can advise on and implemented the best grooming regime to suit your dog.

In truth, different groomers will identify more cog coat types than others which means that whilst one dog groomer might classify one dog as having a long, silky coat, another might just call it long. This can lead to some confusion for dog owners but be assured that the categorisation is not as crucial as a professional dog groomer knowing exactly how to groom your dog’s coat.

To give you a heads up on some of the main dog coat types and their basic grooming needs, below are some examples


Steps to ordering personalised pyjamas for your big day

Steps to ordering personalised pyjamas for your big day

Everything about planning a wedding can be unchartered territory. If it’s your first marriage, everything from booking the caterer to ordering personalised pyjamas for your bridal party is something that takes research. After all, you’ve never done it before.

However, even if you have to go through the ordering process on your own with personalised pyjamas, you’ll soon find that it’s reasonably straightforward. Just follow the steps below.

Step 1: Choose Your Supplier

When you search for personalised pyjamas online, you will soon realise there are dozens if not hundreds of different options.

However, you may be able to significantly narrow them down in a few ways, such as:

  • Country
  • Delivery timeframe
  • Reputation

Choosing a supplier in your country means you may be better positioned to contact them over the phone or by email. Having them in your country can also offer more confidence that they will meet your delivery timeframe requirements.


How Cleaning Services Remove the Stress of a Big Move

Cleaning service with professional equipment during work

 Moving can cost quite a lot of money, so you may not think you should be spending even more on organizing a professional cleaner when you can take care of the cleaning yourself. However, for what you spend on commercial cleaning services versus what you get out of it, it can be worth its weight in gold.

Learn how cleaning services remove the stress of a big move. You may reconsider your desire to clean yourself when you learn about the following benefits.

Reduce Feelings of Overwhelm

Moving from a family home to retirement housing can feel completely overwhelmed. Sometimes, you must carry a lifetime’s worth of possessions, and there are only so many hours in the day.

A cleaning company can reduce those feelings of overwhelm much easier than you might have thought. When you know you only have to focus on removing your personal possessions rather than cleaning, you can feel less daunted by the prospect of moving when the big day rolls around.

More Time Up Your Sleeve

Moving house often has to be organized on a timeline. Your retirement housing may be ready to move into on a particular day, and you may have to be out of your own home by a specific day, as well.

Then there’s moving services, with your hired workers needing to be packed, loaded, and ready to go by a particular time. A cleaning service gives you more time up your sleeve. You can focus on packing while they can take care of the necessary elbow grease.

Increased Chance of Meeting Sale/Rental Requirements

When you rent a property, leaving it spotless increases your chances of getting your deposit back. When you sell a property, the new owners might have an expectation that it will be clean and tidy when they move on.

You may stand a better chance of meeting sale or rental requirements when you have someone else taking care of the cleaning to a high standard.

More Positivity When Moving Into a New Home

Moving out of a home you have lived in for several years and into retirement housing that’s foreign to you can be daunting. It may not yet seem like home, and it may still feel ‘lived in’ by the person before you.

A professional cleaning service can change that. If they can clean the property before you arrive, you can unpack your possessions with a clean slate. It can feel like yours from day one, which may help with the sometimes challenging transition.

Shift Your Focus

It’s easy to focus on what you have left to do rather than what you’ve achieved. This can put you in a bad mood and make you feel stressed. It’s not a great start to your new adventure in a new home. Organizing a professional cleaner can help you shift your focus.

You can reminisce while you pack, with little thought spared for how much vacuuming and scrubbing you must do once all your possessions are packed.

Most people would do anything to remove the stress of a big move. You may be surprised how much a cleaning company can assist with this. When the time comes to leave your family home, don’t hesitate to bring in experts to help. You can start your new home life on the right foot.