Lighting Ideas To Enhance Your Landscaping Design

Landscape Design Challenges to Overcome

One feature of any landscaping design which always requires due care and attention is lighting. The fact that there are an almost unlimited number of different lighting types, numerous uses for lighting, and multiple ways in which lighting can be used in landscaping design, is positive. However, it also creates a problem in the sense that you have to narrow down so many choices.

If you want to have lighting in your garden and want your landscapers to include them in any landscape design they create, then you both have decisions to make. That being said, you might choose to hand over all the decision making to them and to include what lighting they think is best. However, would it not be better if you had some input, as ultimately it is you who will be using your new garden, not your landscaper?

For that reason, it is best that you at least have some say in what lighting is going to be included in your new garden design, and so here are some thoughts and ideas on what lighting can be used in a landscape design.


Inexpensive Ways To Give Your Landscaped Garden A Simple Makeover

Whenever a resident of New South Wales invests in hiring landscapers so that they can have a new garden that they and their family can enjoy, they need to be aware that once the garden is completed, they will need to undertake, and in some cases, pay for the garden’s maintenance.

The maintenance level and associated costs will depend on factors such as the complexity of the landscaping, the plants therein, and the size of the garden. Now, there will be some homeowners in New South Wales who carry out the maintenance of their garden diligently and others who are maybe not so keen; however, in both cases, there will come a point where their garden needs a bit of a revamp, with the difference being how soon in each case.

By revamping, we are not suggesting that they go to their landscaping company and ask for a completely new landscape design, but instead, they give their garden a bit of a makeover to give it a fresh look and feel. This could be done by spending lots of money, however, what we are going to do here is to try to save the good people of New South Wales some of their hard-earned cash by highlighting some inexpensive ways to give their landscaped gardens a makeover.


10 Landscape Design Trends That Are In Vogue In The Gardens Of New South Wales

In many aspects of life in New South Wales, some trends come and go, which will be in such niches as cooking, fashion, home furnishings, and the subject of this article, landscape design. It is true that if you were to look at landscaping, designed and created ten years ago, it would include many features that were in vogue then but which today might not get any consideration whatsoever.

The reasons landscaping trends alter can result from influences worldwide, whereby a celebrity’s garden is highlighted on TV, and suddenly, many landscape designers get requests for those same landscaping features the celebrity had in their garden.

Alternatively, there can be local factors where residents can view other landscaped gardens in towns and cities across New South Wales and see something new they like. Before you know it, many homeowners in that area are asking for those trending landscape design features.

So, as you read this, you might wonder what is currently trending in the world of landscaped gardens in New South Wales. Keep reading as highlights ten landscape design trends in vogue in the ‘Premier’ state’s parks.


Don’t Ruin Your Carpets By Making These Carpet Cleaning Mistakes

Of all the domestic cleaning chores that have to be done in a home, carpet cleaning is the one that most often results in problems.

Not because you should not clean your carpets, but because all too often householders make crucial mistakes when cleaning their carpets.

Thankfully, some damage to the carpet is not terminal and mistakes can be reversed by professional cleaners. However, on far too many occasions, their error ruins the carpet, and given that quality carpets are not the cheapest purchase you will make for your home, it makes it an expensive mistake.

Evidence shows that certain carpet cleaning mistakes occur more often than others.

So, to give you a heads up to ensure you do not make these same carpet cleaning errors, here are seven of the most common mistakes to avoid when cleaning your carpets.


7 Awesome Tips for Keeping Your Oriental Rugs In Prime Condition

7 Awesome Tips for Keeping Your Oriental Rugs In Prime Condition

One matter that often gets ignored, or at best, forgotten about, when a discussion about upholstery cleaning takes place,  is rugs.

In some homes rugs tend to be the poor relation compared to the carpets with them often placed where they will take the most abuse such as doorways, never cleaned, and simply discarded when they become soiled and threadbare.

However, some rugs deserve far greater care than what we have just described, and a prime example is oriental rugs. Oriental rugs are often given pride of place in a lounge or dining room and seen as part of the overall ambience in a room. They also cost a lot more than basic rugs.

To prolong their life and keep them in the best possible condition they require special care over and above basic carpet cleaning. Here are seven examples of that.

Vacuuming: It is a common issue when vacuuming takes place in a home, that rugs are lifted out of the way, and when placed down again, they are not vacuumed. It is essential for the long term condition and cleanliness of your oriental rug it is vacuumed at least twice per week.


Landscape Design Challenges to Overcome

Landscape Design Challenges to Overcome

One of the primary reasons homeowners decide to focus on landscape design is to solve a problem. They might not have somewhere lovely to sit outside with family, no privacy, or issues with drainage or general aesthetics.

All these problems must have solutions, but finding those solutions is a challenge all on its own. Below, you can learn more about the most common landscape design challenges and how they can be entirely solvable.

Slopes and Hills

If you live on a steep street, you will be all too familiar with the challenges of trying to make your property look nice. You can’t just plant a flat garden since there’s simply no flat area available.

With the help of a Sydney landscape architect, or even just some research on your own, you can come up with some solutions to combat slopes and hills. One of the most common options is retaining walls. These can assist with soil stability and stabilisation while also being lovely seating areas.

Terraced levels are also another preference for many people, as is just letting the slope exist as it is with groundcover plants to add beauty and soil stability.


5 Ways To Turn Your Landscape Design Into A Tropical Paradise

5 Ways To Turn Your Landscape Design Into A Tropical Paradise

There are lots of ways in which you could ask your landscaper to redesign your garden, and one which is always popular, as well as eye-catching, is turning your garden into a tropical utopia. By following a few simple rules regarding the layout and including the appropriate foliage and features, your tropical nirvana can be created.

Some might question why you would want tropical landscaping in your garden rather than something more contemporary and functional. Not that there is anything wrong with contemporary and functional but, would it not be amazing to have a landscaped garden that is awash with colour, can transport you to a tropical paradise just a few steps from your door, and makes the jaws drop of anyone who walks into your garden for the first time? Of course, it would.

The question is how to create your tropical landscaped garden, and that is a process that we hope to help you with here. We have outlined five ideas that your landscaper can incorporate into your new landscaping design to produce your dream tropical garden.
