The Fine Line: (W)holism and Science


There are so many interesting things going on in the world today, especially in the fields dedicated to understanding what human beings are like and how to keep them well. In trying to understand ourselves, we have currently two different models: on the one hand, the scientific reductionist model, and on the other hand, complexity theory.

The reductionist model, which is also generally thought of as the “scientific” approach, reduces everything to its constituent parts, and then studies those parts. It studies the trees instead of the forest, the cells instead of the organs, the DNA instead of the whole being. Molecular biology is a perfect example.


Why Dieting Often Doesn’t Work

Why Dieting Often Doesn’t Work

Many people have tried dieting over and over again with the same results – nothing. Or if they lose a little weight they put it on again as soon as they go off the diet. This is a natural thing to happen, because once you go off that diet you start eating unhealthy choices again; foods that are high in fat, sugar and calories.

In some cases, dieting doesn’t work because you really don’t keep to it. You may think that you are on a diet, but in actual fact you sneak that snack in order to reward yourself for keeping to a diet you don’t especially like. You may even make that extra snack part of the diet and think it won’t matter – but it does. A diet has a controlled number of calories and if you exceed this then you cannot expect to lose weight to any great extent.


6 Things to Know about Behavioural Addiction

Most people think of addiction as something to do with drugs or alcohol that needs the person to go into drug addiction recovery. While this is true, there are other kinds of addictions that require a different type of treatment. Behavioural addictions fall into this category. People can be addicted to things such as gambling, porn, eating, exercise, working and even shopping.

All these are called behavioural addictions because the addict is not ingesting a harmful substance, but it’s the behaviour in pursuing the thing and doing it that causes them and other people problems.  Such people get hooked on doing the thing that gives them a high and they can’t seem to stop even when they know they can’t afford to continue (in the case of gambling or shopping) or even when the thing interferes with their relationships or health ( porn or over-eating).


How to Get Fit Without Really Trying

health benefits of being fit

Much is said about the health benefits of being fit. When you are truly fit your body can work the way it was meant to and you will enjoy your life a whole lot more. You won’t have to puff and gasp every time you go up stairs, you will have the endurance to cope with all the busyness life throws at you and your body will be able to throw off flu and colds more easily. The latter on its own is well worth the exercise you need to do to get fit.

However, it is not easy to find time to get fit. If you are a mother of toddlers who also works outside of the home you will never have a minute to call your own. Don’t despair; you too can get fit – if you are not already. Simply lifting that toddler up and down will give you arm muscles that you didn’t know you could have without intensive workouts in the gym.


The Trouble with Addiction

Trouble with Addiction

Many people think that drugs such as ice or cannabis are the only substances that cause addiction, yet experts claim that alcohol is the most common substance that people get addicted to. If you listen to respected rehabs no matter what it is, successful drug rehabilitation is usually the only way to break an addiction and have any chance at a normal life, free of being tied to taking a substance that will soon cause ruin and eventually end in death.

The trouble with most addictions is that people don’t want to believe that they have no control over the amount they take or frequency of use. They deceive themselves and others into believing that they could stop any time they want to; it is just that they do not choose to stop – yet. In fact, if they really tried to stop, they would soon find out that it was impossible to do so.


What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Dental Emergency

There are many things that can happen to create a dental emergency. Even if you don’t know what has happened but feel sudden and severe pain in your tooth or gum, it’s important to contact an emergency dentist so they can assess the problem and decide on the best method of treatment.  If they don’t have time to treat it fully, they may be able to offer a quick temporary solution that will get you out of pain until a longer dental appointment can be had.

There are several problems that can constitute a dental emergency.

  • A bad toothache. The dentist will ask you what you did just before the tooth started aching. This will give him the information he needs to find out the source of the problem, even if you can’t think of anything you did. He will also want to find out if you have pain anywhere else, such as in the neck, head or ears, if there is any swelling and whether the pain is constant or intermittent.


What happens if you relapse?


A relapse is the recurrence of any disease that has gone into remission or recovery.

Beating any addiction is hard, but someone at some point has successfully beaten every addiction. If you’re on the road to overcoming your addiction or heading off to drug rehab, you may be worried about a relapse. What happens if you start using again?

The best advice I’ve ever gotten is “don’t worry about it so much.” After rehab, sometime it can feel like everyone is watching you, waiting for you to relapse. Like it’s the only thing on anyone’s, including your own mind. This is not healthy. If you happen to use again, if you happen to relapse, it is not the end of the world, it’s a minor step backwards, which can easily be overcome if you handle the relapse in the right way.


Are Your New LED lights Making You Sick?


If you are about to call the electricians in to install LED lighting throughout your home, you may want to hold off on that. While LED lighting does save on costs and reduces the drain on the earth’s resources, it is not actually good for us. According to Dr Alexander Wunsch an expert in photobiology, LED lighting contains only blue light, even if it appears to be more yellowish. This light is not good for us, especially if we are in it all the time.

Sunlight firelight, candle light and incandescent bulbs all contain near infrared light. This particular light cannot be seen or felt as heat, yet in penetrates our bodies by up to 5cm when we are exposed to it, even through clothing. This is actually a good thing, because it is this invisible light that restores and regenerates many of our cells, particularly our optic cells. In fact, without it we would eventually go blind and suffer from many diseases that our bodies can defend us from when they absorb the near-infrared light.


Why Sunshine is Important for Health

Sunbathing Outdoor

It is a sad fact of life that many people nowadays shun the sun due to concerns about skin cancer – and the marketing about various sunscreen products that is very one-sided. But sun is a giver of life and health for plants and for people. Without sufficient sunlight on your skin there is the risk that vitamin D levels will be so low as to cause bad health problems. Without sunshine, your body clock finds it difficult to tell you when to rest so your nights may be spent tossing and turning.

When you work inside all day it’s important to spend time lounging on your outdoor furniture in the sun and to forget that sunscreen occasionally.  Of course you should wear it when the sun is really hot and if you are going to be out all day, to prevent sunburn. But when it is before 10am or after 4pm or if you are only going to be outside for a little while, there is no need for sunscreen.


How Moving Can Make You Healthier


Are you the kind of person who seems to get sick all the time? Do you get colds, flu, sinus infections, headaches, hay-fever or asthma, or just feel off colour most of the time? If so, it may be time to move to another location.

It doesn’t take that much effort to book a removal company  and shift all your worldly possessions to another place.

So why would moving improve your health? Often, people are allergic to their surroundings and don’t realise it.

There could be a lot of dust or smog, pollen or some other thing you are allergic to in the air around you.

Moving to another place can change that. But first, it’s a good idea to find out what your allergy is and make sure there is none of that in your new area.


Financial Planning for Loss of Health

Planning for Health

Financial planning encompasses many things from working out how to have enough money for leisure and entertainment through to purchasing a home. When it comes to the topic of health – or rather, lack of it – your financial advisor will also be able to help ensure you have money to cope.

No one knows when illness or disease is going to strike, but if it is a serious illness you won’t be able to work until you are better. This may well mean you lose months of income, something that could mean disaster unless you have planned for it. You may think it would be impossible to cope with no income to pay all those bills, but this is where having a financial planner like Andep is going to really help.


What to Expect When You Visit the Dentist

Visit the Dentist

If you have never been to the dentist since your mum made you go in fifth class, you might not even remember what it was like. If you are now an adult, it is well past time you went and had your teeth checked out, and the sooner, the better. It will ensure any decay is stopped in its tracks, and you will have better overall health.

But what can you expect to have done on that first visit?  Unless you have a bad toothache, it is not likely to be a visit where any major work is done. Time has to be spent in examining and advising. So here is what you can expect.

  • First off, the receptionist will want you to fill out some forms to get all your details.
  • Once you are called into the surgery, the dentist will welcome you and ask what the problem is with your teeth. If there isn’t one, you’ll inform them that you just want a check-up.
  • They will then inspect your teeth using a few of their instruments to poke into the crevices and see whether there are any decays.


How a Photo Booth can Boost Your Immune System

Photo Booth

You might think it’s odd that a photo booth can boost your immune system, but it’s true. Whether it’s at a wedding reception or a party, your guests will have so much fun and there will be so much laughter that it will actually boost their immune systems. Studies have proven that having fun and laughing is a great way to do this, in fact, it is nature’s way of ensuring we are healthy.

Few people laugh when they are on their own. It takes a group of friends having fun together to create the wonderful atmosphere of fun and laughter that creates health. When you hire photo booths it can be set up to take photos – along with humorous props that everyone will want to use, the stage is set for this to happen. There will be lots of laughter; the kind where people laugh with each other, not at each other.


AHELP Program Evaluation Webpage

This webpage has several parts:

  • The Primary Resources page has background information, links to tools and more information on the CDC Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health and Mark Friedman’s Results Accountability
  • The CDC Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health page has a step-by-step explanation of this evaluation strategy and links to useful tools for this strategy.
  • The Mark Friedman Results Accountability page has a step-by-step explanation of this evaluation strategy and links to useful tools for this strategy.
  • You can use the Tools Database to search for specific tools.
  • The Evaluation Resources page has links to organizations that promote program evaluation and documents that describe additional strategies for conducting program evaluation.
  • The Evaluation Glossary has definitions for some of the words and terms often used by program evaluators.

Below, you will find some background thoughts and information about program evaluation.

  • Why Evaluate?
  • Program Evaluation standards of practice
  • Before you start
  • What About Data?
  • Ethics
