7 Medical Conditions That Can Be Diagnosed By Providing Free Health Checks For Your Removalists Staff

7 Medical Conditions That Can Be Diagnosed By Providing Free Health Checks For Your Removalists Staff

Every removalists and office relocations employer should be aware that the health and well-being of their staff play a key role in the success of that business.

A workforce that is healthy, both physically and mentally, and which is aware that their employer genuinely cares about their well-being, is going to feel a greater obligation to do their best and work their hardest.

On the other hand, if employees know that their employer sees health and safety as an inconvenience and a cost, rather than a means of investing in their staff and their business, they are going to feel unappreciated and demotivated about their work, which has implications for their mental health.

Assuming you are a removalists employer that falls into the former category, rather than the latter, presumably, you are happy to read about additional ways you can ensure the well-being of your staff is catered for. This includes a desire that all of your employees remain physically fit and mentally healthy.

One of the best ways this can be achieved is by providing your staff with free health checks. These can either be carried out in your workplace via mobile health professionals, or via a scheme that allows them to be seen by a health professional such as their GP, or another health provider.

This should be done with the view that these health checks can identify any health conditions which may occur. The key is that many of them can be treated much more effectively if they are diagnosed early and any applicable treatment started sooner, rather than later.

Some of the most common, and most serious medical conditions can be diagnosed via occupational health checks provided by employers, and here are 7 of them.

Obesity: Very few people who are obese want to be that way, but often they are unsure how to set about losing weight. Access to health professionals who can advise them, and point them towards proven weight loss programs, can be the answer they are looking for.

High Cholesterol: The risks of high cholesterol are significant with narrowing of the arteries, heart attack and stroke at the top of the list. Advice on healthier eating habits and regular exercise is essential.

Diabetes: The onset of diabetes is rife within certain demographics, but it can be prevented if the warnings signs are caught soon enough. Diabetes’s effects can also be minimised by following advice on healthy eating, exercise and support regarding what medication might be necessary.

High Blood Pressure: This is another medical condition which, if left unchecked, can lead to even more serious health problems. Regular monitoring of staff’s blood pressure can lead to them taking early action to reduce it before it becomes a significant risk.

Cardiovascular Issues: The health of an individual’s heart can influence many other aspects of their health so regular check-ups such as blood pressure and cholesterol plus heart-specific tests such as exercise stress tests and ECGs if deemed necessary, can quickly alert health professionals of heart issues so treatment can be planned.

Poor Lifestyle Choices: This should be an integral part of any health screening and health checks which you provide for your employees. Many poor lifestyle choices such as smoking, excess drinking and taking drugs lead directly to poor health and numerous other medical conditions. Having them educated on positive lifestyle choices can reverse all that.

Mental Health Issues: So far we have focused on physical health, but your workforce’s mental health should also be a priority for you. Providing them with opportunities to discuss their mental health with skilled councillors and mental health professionals will undoubtedly make your workforce a happier one.